Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's Over (Sort Of)

Well, the 60-day trial is ending, and Mom will officially have her boys back. We have still been watching them on Saturdays and will have to take them on vacation with us Thanksgiving week because there is no daycare and Mom has to work.

So although our role is "over" (on paper at least), it continues. This is not a surprise to us. We have told Mom that we are here to support her with M and J in any way we are able. We want her to succeed. We want M and J to succeed.

The fact that Mom has acquired a boyfriend (whom she met online while we were taking care of her kids) and that J has been tardy 8 times already this school year make me leary. I hope she does well and can make it until they are both grown, but I am not holding my breath.

We have made it clear that if she were to screw things up again and we were to get the call that the boys need us, we will not take them. Not until both Mom and Dad have signed away all parental rights and we adopt them. It is not fair to the boys and it is not fair to us any other way.

Here's hoping there is not an adoption in our future!